Category Archives: Celebrate

Reasons I’m celebrating

Day 3: Kicking the Online Shopping Habit

I decided to rename this “kicking the online shopping habit.” Although going on a “fast” has become super fashionable these days it the word still connotes giving up something I love and deprivation. Although online shopping feels good in a creepy instant gratification way, I wouldn’t say I love it so much as it sets me up to feel compelled to do it.

It’s been two full days since I stopped shopping online. I should stop here and give myself a pat on the back because I really have stopped. I’m not even “window shopping.” If I’m doing research on a project that’s a little different but I’ve been limiting my searches to search engines and haven’t actually visited any sites whose purpose is selling stuff.

MC900238229 So I’m throwing in some virtual balloons, confetti, and champagne to celebrate this fact.

Yesterday, I mentioned that online shopping is a type of addiction for me and I want to write more about that.

I haven’t yet felt anything like withdrawal’s only been a couple days but I have noticed at times how I’ve used online shopping as a way to avoid doing something unpleasant: making a difficult phone call, cleaning my office, or working out.

I’ll be done with my routine work like checking my email and going over my list of things to get done and now faced with the prospect of something important but unpleasant I’ll suddenly get the idea that “I really need to find a nice pair of shoes to wear with that little black dress I just bought.”

And three hours later, half the day has literally disappeared and I realize I haven’t gotten anything at all done. I remember one time when I started shopping at 10 am and only stopped because it was 6pm and had gotten so dark in my office I couldn’t see the keyboard anymore.

The funny thing is, usually the next day, I look at whatever it was that I was so obsessed with finding and don’t get why I would spend so much time compulsively searching every nook and cranny of the virtual universe. But that’s the nature of the online retail universe. It’s a lot of gaming .. that sense of achievement “Aha I finally found a pair of size 81/2 Frye boots in Palomino Tan!!” has those components of hunting and catching that wire right into my hunter gatherer brain.

I think it’s that perception and achievement and success that feels so good. Not to mention the perception that by somehow having a particular item, I’ll feel happier and more fulfilled. As though that object is a kind of magic talisman which will somehow enable me to be more than what I am.

I also am realizing that I can’t do things I don’t enjoy in hopes of finally being to do what I do enjoy. One of my coaches told me I would have to do presentations and call everyone I knew to invite them to attend those presentations in order to have enough clients to work with. I wanted to have the clients and I wanted to coach them because that’s what I enjoyed. But I didn’t really enjoy the cold calling. In fact I hated cold calling.

So it takes time and I’ve realized I need to find things I find intrinsically satisfying and am happy to do to attain the longer term results. But because this is a relatively new insight, I ‘m not sure what that work would be for me.

And I’ve been engaged in a lot of trial and error to discover what it is that I enjoy doing and can be a viable business. Trial and error means sometimes what I do isn’t very fun. It also means maybe what I’m working on will pay off and maybe it won’t.

Shopping online has bean a way to feel like I’m accomplishing something useful and a way to avoid the discomfort of uncertainty and to avoid doing things I find unpleasant, tedious .. even painful.

I guess looking at it this way, it makes sense that I’ve been spending a lot of time shopping online.

My one concern has been if I stop shopping online will I find other distractions and addictions that allow me to avoid the stuff I’ve been avoiding?

Yeah, duh!

So the question to explore is how can I frame things differently and do things differently so I don’t lapse into yet another addictive behavior?

Mindful Self-compassion feels like a fruitful place to explore.

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Filed under Celebrate, Habits, Work and Joy

2/13/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Really enjoyed the consultation I did in the morning.
  2. Thought Matt might have something worse than the flu and got him tested. He’s fine thank goodness.
  3. Add changes to my one-page consulting package flyer that George and I discussed last week. It’s looking really good and I can start giving them to people who are interested in my consulting services.
  4. With all the stuff going on yesterday I still got in a 30-minute workout on the elliptical.
  5. Watched a funny TV show with Michael. It was the perfect way to end my day on a light note.
  6. Decided I’m going to charge a small fee for my 45-minute consult so I feel really fantastic about doing the sessions.
  7. Had a lot of clarity around a client issue that was really bugging me. Realized that it wasn’t lack of solid deliverables but inner game issues that derailed the project. 
  8. Emailed client on the perceived issues and agenda for our meeting next week.
  9. Decided that it’s time to move on with the mastermind group. I’m feeling clear and happy about my decision.

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Filed under Celebrate

2/9/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Donating all of the old Real Simple magazines sitting in my office!
  2. Completed my Secret Rebel assessment and I’m very excited about how it’s working out.
  3. My website goes live next week! Thursday, 2/14.
  4. Good sessions with two clients on Thursday.
  5. Worked on the elliptical for 30 minutes on Thursday and Friday last week.
  6. Rewrote my one-on-one coaching packages so they now feel a lot more attractive to me.
  7. Great support from Kristin Luce re how my assessment is shaping up.
  8. Had three very helpful and valuable one on one consultations last week.
  9. I’ve already gotten some great, very helpful comments from a few people who have taken the Secret Rebel Assessment. Yay!
  10. Completed listening to the Your Wish is Your Command CD series.

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2/4/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. 99% of the stuff in my “Scan” box has been scanned and thrown into the recycling bin!
  2. Got through all the files I sent to Shoeboxed and it looks like everything got scanned.
  3. Exported scanned files into files on my hard drive so I have a document image if I need it.
  4. Sent a bunch of junk mail request to Paper Karma to discontinue the mailings.
  5. Worked on the elliptical for 40 minutes.
  6. Took Matt out to drive for 45 minutes without completely freaking out.
  7. Michael and Matthew liked the BBQ ribs I got for them.
  8. Ashi and I are working out an agreement to work together: I’ll get her guidance to clear away all the clutter in my office and she’ll get marketing assistance that will enable her to reach a larger audience.
  9. Keli Conci and I have also worked out an agreement to work together.
  10. I have two perfect clients already!! How does it get even better than that!!

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2/2/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. I like the women in my mastermind group. All of them. I was worried about this but now I’m not. Now I feel excited to be spending the next six months with them!
  2. Three people have scheduled Quick Ignition sessions. I’m very excited about this!
  3. I added the Quick Ignition session offer to the signature of my email.
  4. George used my one-page offer as an example to show the mastermind an example of a one-page offer.
  5. Allowed myself to relax yesterday.
  6. Got all my errands completed on Thursday.
  7. I’m excited about the accountability buddy I’m working with.
  8. I have a sense of momentum in my business that things are happening with a certain level of ease rather than depending on me to push things forward (which is always such a miserable state to be in).
  9. I think I’ve at least partially solved the issue of storing my scarves which are difficult to fold neatly in a box. I bought some clear plastic containers used to package bottles of wine in and I think rolling scarves around unbleached fabric will be easier than struggling to get them to fold neatly. In addition, rolling versus folding is probably safer for delicate silks.

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Filed under Celebrate

1/31/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Listened for 20-minutes to “Your Wish is Your Command.”
  2. Completing my first Quick Ignition consult.
  3. I have a large list of people I’d like to do a Quick Ignition consultation with.
  4. Completed a very attractive one page description of my new coaching packages.
  5. Cut down 5 shoesboxes so I’m making some headway with cleaning my office!
  6. Completed some of my strength training sets.
  7. The image for my Secret Rebel assessment is completed.
  8. I added a free consultation offer to my email signature (removed the old Mojo Money Box offer)
  9. Have some ideas for creating a “Magic Mojo Mondays” logo for what will be my ongoing radio show.

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Filed under Celebrate

1/30/13 Celebrate Successes!

 Colorful Balloons Tied with Ribbon

Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. My offers for: Magic Mojo Mondays! Free consultation, and newsletter subscriptions are up and ready.
  2. Completed aerobics on the elliptical.
  3. Had a great consultation with Ashi on how to make my office space one which I really love working in. Reminded me of how important workspace is to my overall happiness and success.
  4. Saying goodbye to the shoeboxes that have been sitting in the attic now for months.
  5. Had a great consultation session with Keli Conci (Krazy K)!
  6. Final image from Randy Wall is in so my website is now this much closer to being complete!
  7. Very powerful session with Kristin Luce asking the question “Who would I be and how would I show up if I didn’t have the thought: “I need people to ‘get’ me.” Helped me realize how much more effective I am when whether or not people really “get” me. It’s the difference between having resistance and simply being in knowing because when I don’t need people to get me I can be in allowance of them. It’s incredibly freeing!
  8. About halfway through the third CD of Your Wish is Your Command. Learning a lot of useful shit.
  9. Part of me is angry with myself for wasting so much time this morning. I’m going to celebrate the fact that I still have 3 1/2 hours to work and that I stopped messing around when I did.

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Filed under Celebrate

1/28/13 Celebrate Successes!

balloons 2

Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Got all the laundry washed this weekend!
  2. Got my strength training done on Saturday.
  3. Went through all the documents I received back from Shoeboxed and confirmed ones that got scanned in from one envelope.
  4. Put all the loose coupons away in a binder so they aren’t lying around all over the house.
  5. Got through all my email that had accumulated over the weekend.
  6. Put in 30 minutes on the elliptical and I spent half of that time pushing my speed as much as possible.
  7. Just about all the images are completed for my website.
  8. I’m a very teachable person. On a scale of 1 to 10 how will am I? A ten?
  9. Cleaned the cat litter and cleaned the area around it.
  10. Put away all the laundry
  11. Uploaded all of the “Your Wish is My Command” CDs so I can listen to them on my iPhone.

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Filed under Celebrate

1/236/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Matt passed his permit exam and has his Learner’s Permit! This isn’t my success, it’s really his. He studied and prepared for it. The celebration on my end is moving patiently through the multiple steps at the DMV office. It’s not AWFUL but there’s a lot of room for improving the experience that’s for sure. Let’s just say if I were to focus on how to make the experience a joyous one it would be an interesting challenge for me and a lot of people. Although on the other hand I’ll be for many people, the experience is a million times better than perhaps how they were treated in their native country.
  2. Didn’t eat candy as my snack.
  3. Stopped at one cocktail last night.
  4. Yesterday was a restful day which my mind and body were really demanding. Didn’t do any work. Didn’t respond to email or read email. It was a day OFF.
  5. My information product is beginning to create itself. I LOVE when that happens.
  6. The images Randy Wall created for my new website are so spot on perfect. I’ve received wonderful feedback on my comic book alter ego. It’s so gratifying when something I envisioned becomes the real thing.
  7. Had a very productive session with my biz coach George Ira Carroll on moving forward with my one-on-one coaching offers. Filled in some gaps and gave me information and advice that will keep me in momentum.
  8. It’s feeling like I’ll be creating my information product systematically by writing articles. So each article will turn into a chunk of the product. This feels good because each article will offer some value to subscribers, gives me a way to get input, and allows me to make progress as I create the product.
  9. My discomfort as I read updates on the network marketing programs I’ve signed up for. I usually don’t see discomfort as something to celebrate and at the same time I’m celebrating my willingness to be curious and ask “what am I learning about who I am” from the emotions I’m experiencing.
  10. Got all my errands and groceries completed on Thursday.

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Filed under Celebrate

1/23/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Listened to the audio, Shifting from Rational to Intuitve. Interesting how little of my body I use and how just a few small actions can feel so different.
  2. The decision Matt and I made to leave the DMV and try another day. Often I know I would have been saying “We’re already here so let’s just wait” but we would have been there until 5 pm. It’s hard to stop investing in something we’ve already invested a lot in but it’s often the wisest course.
  3. So a good question to ask myself regularly throughout the day is “What do I feel most inspired to do right now?” “What would be the most fun?” And to involve Brilliance in these decisions as well.
  4. Just had a cool idea to give my coaching packages names. So the free session would be called “Discover Your Superhero Mission” If you’re a secret rebel entrepreneur very often you have a mission-a big, important mission you’ve been given by the Universe. Your job is to make a “Dent in the Universe” as Steve Jobs calls it. And you may also feel, “If I just knew what that mission was” So that’s the first thing I look at with people, what IS your mission and what’s it going to take to get there and what are some simple, practical steps you can take right now to get there faster?
  5. First pass at my coaching page done.
  6. Randy is completing the images I requested.
  7. Made a larger dent in the clutter.
  8. The Doxie scanner works fantastically.
  9. I didn’t overeat yesterday which is the first step to losing thsoe extra 6 pounds I gained over the holiday.
  10. Transferred several CDs to MP3s so I can listen to them on my iPhone.
  11. Ran Drive Genius and defragged my hard drive as well as did an overall repair. Hoping this will cut down the number of “Beach Balls of Death” I get when I’m working.
  12. Also freed up 20 gigs of space on my hard drive which should also contribute to things working a lot faster. Surprised at the number of media files sitting around that are fragmented and hog space.

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