
Hi, I’m Judy Murdoch A.K.A “JazzyJ.”

I think the puritan work ethic is over-rated.

Not that I’m against getting things done and accomplishing what I care about.

But I don’t think it’s virtuous to live a life of struggle and striving. I think that’s
just dumb and unnecessary.

I’ve decided that:

1. Joy is important, really important.

2. If what I do isn’t a source of joy than either:

 a. Find someone else to get it done for whom it IS a joy;

b. Don’t do it;

c. If it’s truly a priority and I must do it, than how can I make the task joyful for myself?

If you like the idea of ditching the Puritan Work Ethic and filling your life with as much joy as possible, please hang out and grab some inspiration or share your own ideas.

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