Monthly Archives: December 2012

12/31/12 Reasons to Celebrate!

MC900155466 Things I’m Celebrating Today:

  1. It’s New Year’s Eve – celebrate the year that’s just gone by.
  2. Tomorrow is the first day of 2013! What is possible in 2013? How much fun can I have? What is possible for me to create? How much fun will it be to find out?
  3. Working through how to make my goals feel juicier and more mojo-y and got some great ideas.
  4. Got all my returns boxed and they’re now waiting for pick ups by UPS and the post office.
  5. Wearing my Marrimekko shirt which has bright pink and black stripes.
  6. Had salmon for dinner last night – one of my favoirte things to eat!
  7. Just found out that a cashmere cardigan I bought at Nordstrom for nearly $300 has just been reduced by $200!
  8. I’ve taken care of my hair now for over 14 days! How does it get any better than this!?
  9. I have $1,300 in my Mojo Money Box. How does it get any better than this?
  10. Figured out what I need to do to get the film we shot from Heather’s camera to my Mac.

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12/31/12 Mixing Things Up Today!

Last day of 2012 and I’m living dangerously by mixing up gratitude and celebration! Uh oh, what could happen?

Maybe something wonderful!?

Let’s find out.

What I’m Grateful for Today

Inky, gatekeeper and enemy of bad vibes.

Inky, gatekeeper and enemy of bad vibes.

  1. My amazing cat Inky who is currently lying in my lap purring away. I like to say that Inky has special powers and keeps negativity and  bad spirits out of the Murdoch home and out of my business. Plus he’s so handsome! He does tend to have bad breath but the occasional teeth cleaning seems a small price to pay for living with a demi-god. OK and as much face rubbing as we’re willing to give.
  2. Wonderful visit yesterday with my friend and colleague, Heather. Heather is not only a shaman and a powerful spirit but she came up with two really cool ideas for my business! Wow! How does it get any better than this?
  3. The movie Heather shot of my Mojo Money Box Playshop is still on her camera and it looks good! Can’t wait to get it on my computer and watch the whole thing.
  4. 2012 was a difficult and wonderful year. It really feels in many ways like the year of my renaissance. So perhaps a difficult initial 5 months was more than worth the fantastic seven months that followed.
  5. My business coach, George Ira Carroll who set that wonderful seven months into motion.
  6. My husband Michael whose presence makes my house a home and is my wise man.
  7. My son Matt who keeps me on my toes and doesn’t let me get complacent.
  8. Living in Denver where I can see the magnificent Rocky Mountains when I look to the west.
  9. I’m going to be talking later to Cory Michelle which is always a treat!
  10. A meeting I’ll be having later with one of my clients who is always an inspiration to my heart.



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Filed under Celebrate, Gratitude

12/30/12 Celebrate Successes Big AND Small


Sucesses I’m Celebrating Today!

  1. Signed up for the Empowerment Network.
  2. My openness and allowance going through their sales materials.
  3. Although I was really angry and pissed off because this blog STILL isn’t coming up reliably I had the awareness that sending a nasty email to the support guys at Dreamhost was not going to get it up any faster. Instead I sent a clear note telling them what the problems were and asking for help. I received a helpful reply with some suggestions I hadn’t yet tried out.
  4. Met some cool, new people on Facebook.
  5. Had some image ideas which inspired one of my mastermind buds.
  6. Got 90% of the laundry done.
  7. Decision not to fold laundry for husband and son.
  8. Insight that it’s enough to present an offer with the things I’m sure I can deliver because those are the things I can say with confidence and conviction.
  9. My clarity around why people don’t say yes to offers.
  10. #9 will be a terrific next blog post.
  11. Yay ME!




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12/28/12 Celebrate Good Times, Come on!


You did it, Yeah!!

  1. Woke up early to be on time for call with coach.
  2. 35 minutes work out on elliptical!
  3. Didn’t eat that extra cookie that was calling your name.
  4. Tried on a bunch of things and decided not to buy them because they just weren’t that exciting.
  5. Got all the groceries for the week!
  6. Completed a super cool mock up of the home page for my website. It’s beginning to feel real!
  7. Organized about 200 pieces of clip art that has gotten increasingly difficult to find.
  8. Cleaned the cat litter which I let go for several days. Had to be done and i did it!
  9. Showed up for the mastermind strategy call. I continue to believe that success is 90% showing up and the rest is talent, intelligence, skill, and knowledge.
  10. Got out of my wardrobe rut and wore a pair of shoes I haven’t worn for years. They’re still cute and comfy.

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Filed under Celebrate

Expansive Question #4. Business


What would it take to generate the most phenomenal business for me?

From Access Consciousness

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Filed under Business, Expansive Questions

12/26/12 Things to Celebrate!


 Woohoo! I’m celebrating these:

  1. Got through all the stuff in an envelope I sent to Shoeboxed!
  2. Did my elliptical workout for 35 minutes.
  3. Sent an info product outline to George before my appointed deadline.
  4. Did an interview with a tribe member.
  5. Wrote most of the copy for my home page.
  6. Taking care of my hair now for ten days in a row!
  7. Updated Quicken
  8. Did a good job wrapping Christmas gifts.
  9. Converted a bunch of .mov files to mp3 so I could listen when I wanted to.
  10. Cleaned the kitchen not once but twice!

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Expansive Question #3. Receiving

From Access Consciousness:

“Ease isn’t just something that feels good. It gives you far greater capacity to function successfully in the world…to receive more information and awareness and act on it effectively. How many people are uncomfortable with ease?

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Filed under Receiving

12/24/12 Reasons to Celebrate Today!

"This one goes to 11"Nigel Tufnel, Lead Guitarist, Spinal Tap

“This one goes to 11”
Nigel Tufnel, Lead Guitarist, Spinal Tap

Things to Celebrate Today!

Gadgets that Make My Life Better:

  • My 11″ MacBook Air
  • My iPhone
  • Mini-speakers by iLife
  • Xoopar Mouse
  • Sony alarm clock with two alarm settings!

Other Stuff

  • Really insightful session with Kristin Luce yesterday
  • Completed my strength-training including planks and crunches
  • Completed elliptical workout
  • Skinny jeans still fit
  • Cleaned up attic space
  • Returned everything that didn’t fit or didn’t work for me.
  • Got another envelope off to Shoeboxed for scanning
  • No junk food yesterday
  • Matt did a cool job creating a graphic for my presentation

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Filed under Celebrate

Expansive Questions for Today


  1. How much fun can I create today?
  2. How much ease can I create
  3. How can I have more ease rather than complication?
  4. What if I eat only what my body really wants?
  5. What ways can I earn money that are fun and easy for me?
  6. What if having a business could be joyful?
  7. What must I be, know, perceive, and receive to make money today?
  8. What would it take for money to no longer be an issue for me?
  9. What I could have whatever I desired? What if money wasn’t an issue?
  10. What if money shows up for the things I want to have?
  11. Will making this purchase expand my ability to contribute?
  12. Does this feel light or heavy?
  13. Truth – what do I know right now?
  14. If I choose this what will my life be like in five years?
  15. What is it about my knowing that brings up resistance?
  16. What about this choice feels light for me?
  17. What do I desire to create today?

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Filed under Expansive Questions

12/23/12 Celebrate!



Things to Celebrate Today:

  1. Completed my rewrite of the Black Sheep Fable! This is a big deal because it took a lot of time to create the images but I’m so pleased with the way it turned out. This is going to be the experience for my home page.
  2. Doing this also means most of the copy for my home page is now written!
  3. Matt created one of the images and did a great job. It feels really satisfying to collaborate with my son.
  4. Waking up early and having the energy to get up and get going.
  5. My skinny jeans fit and feel comfortable!
  6. It’s not super cold out today.
  7. I’m looking forward to my meeting with Kristen Luce today.
  8. That I’m not jumping in with both feet into the business model of coaching. Maybe there is a different way to make money rather than coaching tons of people.
  9. I’m looking for projects that feel light and move quickly.
  10. I’m living in the question.

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