Tag Archives: Creating

Expansive Questions for Today


  1. How much fun can I create today?
  2. How much ease can I create
  3. How can I have more ease rather than complication?
  4. What if I eat only what my body really wants?
  5. What ways can I earn money that are fun and easy for me?
  6. What if having a business could be joyful?
  7. What must I be, know, perceive, and receive to make money today?
  8. What would it take for money to no longer be an issue for me?
  9. What I could have whatever I desired? What if money wasn’t an issue?
  10. What if money shows up for the things I want to have?
  11. Will making this purchase expand my ability to contribute?
  12. Does this feel light or heavy?
  13. Truth – what do I know right now?
  14. If I choose this what will my life be like in five years?
  15. What is it about my knowing that brings up resistance?
  16. What about this choice feels light for me?
  17. What do I desire to create today?

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Filed under Expansive Questions