Monthly Archives: January 2013

Expansive Question #1. Fear


You are not fixable because you aren’t broken.

What is right about you that you aren’t getting?

From Access Consciousness, “Happiness is Just a Choice”

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Filed under Expansive Questions, Fear

Expansive Question #5. Business


If there is no demand for your product or service, ask “how can I make a greater demand of myself?”

From Access Consciousness, “Happiness is Just a Choice”

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Filed under Business, Expansive Questions

Expansive Question #3. Creating Possibilities



Instead of going “nothing works for me.” Ask “What would I like to do?” and “What would work for me?”

From Access Consciouness, Happiness is Just a Choice

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Filed under Creating Possibilities, Expansive Questions

1/31/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Listened for 20-minutes to “Your Wish is Your Command.”
  2. Completing my first Quick Ignition consult.
  3. I have a large list of people I’d like to do a Quick Ignition consultation with.
  4. Completed a very attractive one page description of my new coaching packages.
  5. Cut down 5 shoesboxes so I’m making some headway with cleaning my office!
  6. Completed some of my strength training sets.
  7. The image for my Secret Rebel assessment is completed.
  8. I added a free consultation offer to my email signature (removed the old Mojo Money Box offer)
  9. Have some ideas for creating a “Magic Mojo Mondays” logo for what will be my ongoing radio show.

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Filed under Celebrate

1/31/13 Daily Vitamin G(ratitude)

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Things I’m truly grateful for today:

  1. Inky is curled up in my lap looking very content. There’s something about a happy cat that makes me feel happy and content.
  2. My new mastermind begins today. I’m lucky to have a mastermind group to work with. The last group made a huge difference in moving my business forward.
  3. My size 6 boot-cut jeans still fit well.
  4. The Quick Ignition consult I did with Keli was wonderful. I got some really helpful feedback from her about what was working for her.
  5. The continued message to apply what I learn as quickly as possible. This seems to be one of my developmental edges because I tend to want to keep things in my head.
  6. Completed the layout for my one-pager that covers my coaching packages. I still have work to do but it’s a really good beginning!
  7. Today during the mastermind I’m going to focus on the question “what can I learn?” Because there’s always a lot of stuff I can learn.
  8. The final image for my website sidebars is complete.
  9. My physical health. Very thankful!
  10. The people closest to me: Michael and Matthew are both healthy.

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Filed under Gratitude

Expansive Question #12. Actualize What You Desire


What generative energy, space, and consciousness can I be that would allow … ?

From Access Consciousness Happiness is Just a Choice.


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Filed under Actualize What You Want

Expansive Question #11. Actualize What You Desire


One person can change reality. Are you willing to be the source field for change?

From Access Consciousness Happiness is Just a Choice.


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Filed under Actualize What You Want

1/30/13 Celebrate Successes!

 Colorful Balloons Tied with Ribbon

Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. My offers for: Magic Mojo Mondays! Free consultation, and newsletter subscriptions are up and ready.
  2. Completed aerobics on the elliptical.
  3. Had a great consultation with Ashi on how to make my office space one which I really love working in. Reminded me of how important workspace is to my overall happiness and success.
  4. Saying goodbye to the shoeboxes that have been sitting in the attic now for months.
  5. Had a great consultation session with Keli Conci (Krazy K)!
  6. Final image from Randy Wall is in so my website is now this much closer to being complete!
  7. Very powerful session with Kristin Luce asking the question “Who would I be and how would I show up if I didn’t have the thought: “I need people to ‘get’ me.” Helped me realize how much more effective I am when whether or not people really “get” me. It’s the difference between having resistance and simply being in knowing because when I don’t need people to get me I can be in allowance of them. It’s incredibly freeing!
  8. About halfway through the third CD of Your Wish is Your Command. Learning a lot of useful shit.
  9. Part of me is angry with myself for wasting so much time this morning. I’m going to celebrate the fact that I still have 3 1/2 hours to work and that I stopped messing around when I did.

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Filed under Celebrate

1/30/13 Daily Vitamin G(ratitude)

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Things I’m truly grateful for today:

  1. I’m feeling peaceful and focused right now.
  2. Found a pair of comfortable pants for Spring. I’ve been craving looser, more flowing clothes lately which doesn’t seem to be in style but that’s what my body has been asking for.
  3. The soreness and stiffness I was feeling in my neck is gone although the fact it’s showing up again means I need a new, firmer pillow.
  4. Had a really affirming consultation yesterday with Ashi about my work space. It feels good to know that working in a space that nourishes me spiritually. Sometimes I feel guilty for being so picky about my surroundings.
  5. I also enjoyed the confirmation of aquiring just a few exquisite things is a way to experience material products. I really love that idea that rather than fill our homes with stuff we can wait until we find just the right thing to fit into a particular space. Again this is a way to occupy a place rather than to just fill it up. What would it be like to not have a lot of stuff? What would it be like to fill up every unoccupied foot? What would it be like to leave some parts of a room unoccupied until the right furniture or fabric came along to be there? I like the consciousness and deliberateness involved in living this way.
  6. Got the Internet working again.
  7. Working in the attic space. There’s a lot more light in here!
  8. I am very grateful for my physical healthy and my energy and concentration.
  9. I’m grateful to have the time this morning to take a moment to say thank you.
  10. The insights I had about the rightness of fit when it comes to hiring a personal trainer. I had a thought that was very helpful to me.
  11. Looking at Inky’s silhouette against the bright window he’s looking down at the trees and probably watching the birds. There’s something very calming about watching him. Cats are so still when they’re observing their prey until of course they pounce. But there’s something very Zen-like about how cats behave.

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Filed under Gratitude

1/28/13 Celebrate Successes!

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Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. Got all the laundry washed this weekend!
  2. Got my strength training done on Saturday.
  3. Went through all the documents I received back from Shoeboxed and confirmed ones that got scanned in from one envelope.
  4. Put all the loose coupons away in a binder so they aren’t lying around all over the house.
  5. Got through all my email that had accumulated over the weekend.
  6. Put in 30 minutes on the elliptical and I spent half of that time pushing my speed as much as possible.
  7. Just about all the images are completed for my website.
  8. I’m a very teachable person. On a scale of 1 to 10 how will am I? A ten?
  9. Cleaned the cat litter and cleaned the area around it.
  10. Put away all the laundry
  11. Uploaded all of the “Your Wish is My Command” CDs so I can listen to them on my iPhone.

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Filed under Celebrate