Tag Archives: Opportunities

Expansive Question #14. Actualize What You Desire


What am I refusing to be today that would give me everything I desire right away?

From Access Consciousness, Happiness is Just a Choice


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Expansive Question #13. Actualize What You Desire


What would be fun for me?

What else would be fun for me?

What else would be fun for me!

And what else would be fun for me?

Keep moving forward!

From Access Consciousness Happiness is Just a Choice.


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Expansive Question #12. Actualize What You Desire


What generative energy, space, and consciousness can I be that would allow … ?

From Access Consciousness Happiness is Just a Choice.


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Expansive Question #11. Actualize What You Desire


One person can change reality. Are you willing to be the source field for change?

From Access Consciousness Happiness is Just a Choice.


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Expansive Question #10. Actualize What You Desire

Questions48 What expansive questions can I ask that will CREATE MORE POSSIBILTIES for fun and contribution today?


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Expansive Question #9. Actualize What You Desire

personalityWhat will it take to have a lot more of what I desire today?


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Expansive Question #8. Actualize What You Desire

personalityFrom Access Consciousness

What energy is this creating or generating for my future?

What could I do or be differently?


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Expansive Question #7. Actualize What You Want

personalityFrom Access Consciousness

You only get what you ask for. What are you refusing to ask for that if you would ask for it would manifest as actually living?

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Expansive Question #6. Actualize What You Want

personalityFrom Access Consciousness

All the projections, expectations, separations, judgments and rejections of others that I’m aware of, I now uncreate and destroy them all and return to sender, with consciousness attached.

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Expansive Question #6. Actualize What You Want

personalityFrom Access Consciousness

What space can I be to have this with complete and total ease?

Comment: So often when I starting something new, it feels uncomfortable and I just assume starting anything new is going to feel shitty and like I’m struggling. And of course the more important and the greater the potential, the more I have to suffer and struggle to get there!!

So I love the idea that I can have the things I most desire and it’s possible to have these things with ease!! Wow I’m inviting lots of this into my life today!

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