2/4/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. 99% of the stuff in my “Scan” box has been scanned and thrown into the recycling bin!
  2. Got through all the files I sent to Shoeboxed and it looks like everything got scanned.
  3. Exported scanned files into files on my hard drive so I have a document image if I need it.
  4. Sent a bunch of junk mail request to Paper Karma to discontinue the mailings.
  5. Worked on the elliptical for 40 minutes.
  6. Took Matt out to drive for 45 minutes without completely freaking out.
  7. Michael and Matthew liked the BBQ ribs I got for them.
  8. Ashi and I are working out an agreement to work together: I’ll get her guidance to clear away all the clutter in my office and she’ll get marketing assistance that will enable her to reach a larger audience.
  9. Keli Conci and I have also worked out an agreement to work together.
  10. I have two perfect clients already!! How does it get even better than that!!

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