Tag Archives: Energy

The Power in Receptivity


Up until recently I wasn’t very aware of how some people have energy that is very outward focused while others have energy that is inward focused. Then last week I had coffee with a friend and I noticed how, when she met someone, she would ask questions to learn more about that person. As the person answered, I occasionally made a comment or asked a question but I felt content to let my friend lead the discussion.

As I observed this pattern, I was struck by the differences in our energy. My friend’s energy was very outer focused and initiating while my energy felt more receptive and passive.

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Filed under Appreciation

Expansive Question #5. Receiving


Am I feeling joyful right now?

If not, what can I do or be to have more joy right away?

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Filed under Receiving

Expansive Question #5. Receiving


From Access Consciousness:

What if being comfortable = Limited

And being uncomfortable = Unlimited?

Would you be willing to be uncomfortable and go beyound your limits?

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Filed under Receiving

Expansive Question #5. Receiving


From Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas:

Anything you fight limits the contribution you can be and receive.

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Filed under Receiving

Expansive Question #4. Receiving


From Access Consciousness:

What if the key to creating greater possibilities has nothing to do with our imagination or our purpose and everything to do with our willingness to ask questions and create and generate way beyond what we can imagine?

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Filed under Receiving

Expansive Question #3. Receiving


From Access Consciousness:

Who or what are you refusing to inspire that if you truly inspired them would create a world worth living in?

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Filed under Receiving