Monthly Archives: February 2013

2/4/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. 99% of the stuff in my “Scan” box has been scanned and thrown into the recycling bin!
  2. Got through all the files I sent to Shoeboxed and it looks like everything got scanned.
  3. Exported scanned files into files on my hard drive so I have a document image if I need it.
  4. Sent a bunch of junk mail request to Paper Karma to discontinue the mailings.
  5. Worked on the elliptical for 40 minutes.
  6. Took Matt out to drive for 45 minutes without completely freaking out.
  7. Michael and Matthew liked the BBQ ribs I got for them.
  8. Ashi and I are working out an agreement to work together: I’ll get her guidance to clear away all the clutter in my office and she’ll get marketing assistance that will enable her to reach a larger audience.
  9. Keli Conci and I have also worked out an agreement to work together.
  10. I have two perfect clients already!! How does it get even better than that!!

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Filed under Celebrate

2/4/13 Daily Vitamin G(ratitude)

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Things I’m truly grateful for today:

  1. My health is something to always be grateful for.
  2. Got a good night’s sleep.
  3. It’s Monday and who knows what grand and glorious adventures may happen!
  4. The audio program, Your Wish is Your Command which has reminded me of how incredibly important it is to focus on what I want rather than on what I DON’T want.
  5. Starbuck’s French Roast coffee.
  6. Central heating.
  7. Being married to Michael.
  8. Michael and Matthew are both healthy (or at least no serious, chronic health issues).
  9. Having hot and cold running water.
  10. Client problems because quite frankly you have to have clients to have problems and there was a time when I would be grateful to have ANY clients.
  11. Clients can get angry with me and that can be a sign of success on my end. There was a time when I was afraid when a client got angry at me because they would complain to my boss and I’d get in trouble for people not being happy. But if I’m a coach who focuses on helping clients make significant shifts they’re going to get uncomfortable and sometimes they’ll be angry at me. It’s actually a luxury to have the freedom to make mistakes as well as to do or say things that make people angry and not worry about having a boss who will get fearful and tell me I’m doing it wrong.

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Filed under Gratitude

Expansive Question #1. My Body


What if your body was your best friend and not just some entity you always judge, try to fix, or get “right?”

(I chose this picture because this is an older woman with a body that looks real. She’s not a super pumped, ripped hard body which is so often what shows up in most advertising.”

Access Consciousness, “Happiness is Just a Choice”

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Filed under My Body

Expansive Question #4. Creating Possibilities



“Every judgment eliminates the capacity to perceive anything that does not match it.”

Gary Douglas, Access Consciouness, “Happiness is Just a Choice”

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Filed under Creating Possibilities, Expansive Questions

2/2/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1. I like the women in my mastermind group. All of them. I was worried about this but now I’m not. Now I feel excited to be spending the next six months with them!
  2. Three people have scheduled Quick Ignition sessions. I’m very excited about this!
  3. I added the Quick Ignition session offer to the signature of my email.
  4. George used my one-page offer as an example to show the mastermind an example of a one-page offer.
  5. Allowed myself to relax yesterday.
  6. Got all my errands completed on Thursday.
  7. I’m excited about the accountability buddy I’m working with.
  8. I have a sense of momentum in my business that things are happening with a certain level of ease rather than depending on me to push things forward (which is always such a miserable state to be in).
  9. I think I’ve at least partially solved the issue of storing my scarves which are difficult to fold neatly in a box. I bought some clear plastic containers used to package bottles of wine in and I think rolling scarves around unbleached fabric will be easier than struggling to get them to fold neatly. In addition, rolling versus folding is probably safer for delicate silks.

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Filed under Celebrate

2/2/13 Daily Vitamin G(ratitude)

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Things I’m truly grateful for today:

  1. My healthy body.
  2. Living on Earth which is a very beautiful planet to get to live on.
  3. My size 4 boot-cut jeans fit. They didn’t 5 weeks ago so I’m in better shape!
  4. Three people have signed up for a Quick Ignition Session!!!
  5. Matt just left to do his 2-hours of driving practice.
  6. The Your Wish is Your Command program.
  7. The Systematic Manifestation Program.
  8. I have two people who are interested in becoming clients on a barter basis.
  9. The headache I wok up with yesterday is gone.
  10. My cat Gus who thinks I’m his mommy.
  11. I know there are many more things to feel grateful for that I haven’t listed.

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Filed under Gratitude