1/17/13 Celebrate Successes!


Successes large and small that I’m celebrating Today!

  1.  I showed up at the strategy call for our mastermind group even though I kind of felt like not attending.
  2. Recorded a video “Are you shoulding all over yourself?”
  3. My website is one step closer to coming into reality. The background and footer are very close to being done!
  4. Got all my errands completed.
  5. Have a good checklist for preparing for tomorrow’s playgroup.
  6. Worked out on the elliptical.
  7. Got through a bunch of old paper that was cluttering up my office.
  8. Got outline for my offers completed.
  9. As I was going through my old papers I noticed how little things have changed in some ways over the last ten years and this made me question. I’m seeing the need to shake things up in my life more. Do more things. Have more adventure.
  10. Drew an “Envy Monster”
  11. Read 100 Demons and thoroughly enjoyed it!

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