2/13/13 Daily Vitamin G(ratitude)

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Things I’m truly grateful for today:

  1. Disappointments because when I’m disappointed it means I just got what I didn’t want and I can now define what I DO want and go out and get that instead.
  2. The distinction between focus on what I want to have versus what I lack. If I feel good I’m focusing on what I desire. If I feel bad (apprehensive, angry, resentful, etc) I’m thinking about what I lack.
  3. Matt isn’t seriously ill. I was worried that he might have a strep throat or mono. He doesn’t have either.
  4. There are funny movies, TV shows, and books to read that make me laugh and cheer me up.
  5. Inky and Gus my two awesome kitties
  6. Being married to my husband, Michael Murdoch.
  7. The many sweet messages I received from friends and relatives who wished me a Happy Birthday. I really felt my heart warming reading the messages and feeling the energy that was in them.
  8. When I work in the attic the cats like to hang out with me.
  9. Today is starting beautiful and sunny.
  10. Looking forward to talking with Marci this afternoon about my website. I’m really excited about it going live!

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